
Letter: Votes against Amendment 2 are votes to protect Kentucky public schools

To the editor,

The constitutional amendment termed allowing “school choice” is set to be on the ballot in November. Passing Amendment 2 to the Kentucky State Constitution would seriously dim Kentucky’s bright future. Losing dollars to fund charter schools would be detrimental to every Kentuckian. The tapestry of education in Kentucky is woven from the fabric of our public schools, and EACH student deserves to be a part of it.

This amendment would allow the legislature to provide public dollars to students in private schools with no accountability required. Resources would be funneled away from an already underfunded public school system.

For example, should Kentucky establish a Florida-style voucher program (spending 30 percent of its public school budget to support private school vouchers), the following would happen in our Nelson County Schools:

  1. Budgets would be reduced by 10 percent
  2. Educators’ jobs would be cut by 53;
  3. Lost funding would amount to $6,243,773.00.

For more information on the potential impact passing Amendment 2 might have on our Kentucky public schools, visit to KyPolicy.org.

The social justice team of the Episcopal Church of the Ascension would like to join voices with the Kentucky PTA and the Kentucky Education Association in urging a “NO” vote.

Patricia Hart, Chair
Social Justice Team
Episcopal Church of the Ascension


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