Council OKs road closures ahead of annual Bardstown Kiwanis Christmas Parade
Nelson County Gazette / WBRT Radio
Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2024 — The Bardstown City Council approved the requested street closures for the Bardstown Kiwanis Christmas Parade set for Thursday, Dec. 5, 2024.

New this year will be the closure of part of North Fifth Street. This closure will allow parade organizers to place smaller floats and walking groups in Tiger Alley next to the Bardstown High School gym.
County government has agreed to provide some bleachers along the parade route, for the disabled and to allow the judges to evaluate the entries from an elevated position.
Parade organizers are seeking additional voluteers to help with the parade. Organizer Wilma Sorrell said that any civic groups interested in helping are welcome to participate.
To contact Sorrell for more information, email, call her cell at (502) 507-5478, or visit the Christmas Parade’s Facebook evemt page, or
FISCAL COURT WATER PROJECT. The council approved extending water service as part of a county government project to provide city water service to more homes in previously unserved parts of the county.
The projects include extending water service on Thornsbery Lane, Masden Road and Hurricane Hills. The city will take over maintenance of the water lines once they are completed.
FLOODPLAIN ADMINISTRATOR. The council approved changes to its zoning ordinances to allow the City of Bardstown and county government to appoint a member of their engineering staffs as that government’s floodplain administrator.
Nelson Fiscal Court made similar changes to its regulations at the last meeting.
In other business, the council approved requests for water and sewer services for:
— new development off Blankenrod Boulevard near Hometown Pizza. Four sixplex units are being planned for the area.
— four commercial lots on KY245 near Heaven Hill’s new distillery being developed by Mago. According to city engineer Jessica Filiatreau, the lots may later be subdivided.
— the final developable lot in the Nelson County Industrial Park. The council approved a plan to extended existing water and sewer lines to serve the lot’
NEXT UP. The Bardstown City Council next meets at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2024.