Letter: Hutchins takes issue with extreme leftist opinion columns in local newspaper
To the Editor:
I have been reluctant to write a “Letter to the Editor” over state and national politics since I took office in January 2023, but as the first Republican Nelson County Judge Executive, I think it is time.

The Kentucky Standard has allowed two individuals to write left-wing liberal “guest columnist” articles for years. The latest two articles published on Dec. 22, 2024 by Margie Bradford and Dec. 25, 2024 by Nelda Moore have inspired me to speak out. During the current Christmas season, when most people are reflecting on their blessings and peace. However, these two “guest columnists” in The Kentucky Standard with their continued opinions along with their gloom-and-doom rhetoric have become rather tiresome.
In November of 2022, Nelson Countians voted overwhelmingly for local Republican Leadership and in November of 2024, Nelson Countians also voted overwhelmingly for national and Presidential Republican Leadership. In fact, President Trump carried Nelson County and the state of Kentucky by a huge majority. President Trump won due to his agenda and platform as opposed to the failing Democratic party, platform, and lack of policies. One would think that The Kentucky Standard would want to take a hard look at the views of the majority of Nelson Countians and try a more moderate approach to their “guest columnists”. We have already seen on a national media level that regardless of how many times untruths are told it does not make them true. To be blunt, the opinions (which are often inaccurate) of Bradford and Moore are out of touch with the majority of Nelson County citizens as most align themselves with more moderate, conservative views regardless of whether they are registered Democrat or Republican.
In closing, the majority of Nelson County voters and Americans throughout our Country have spoken and voted for Donald J Trump as the 47th President of the United States. Most Americans are excited to see the debacle of the last four years corrected. Nelson County voters are ready for The Kentucky Standard to stop the incessant complaining and rhetoric of a few and invite others with more moderate views to also be “Guest Columnists”. It could potentially increase their readership.
Tim Hutchins
Nelson County Judge-Executive