
Opinion: GOP chair praises Trump, shames Democrats for not honoring guests

To the editor,

What a speech Tuesday night from President Trump! He once again showed the world — yes, I mean the world — that he is not only a statesman but a showman. President Trump’s delivery of his speech was spot on. Of course, he had plenty of wins to discuss which only helped him. He also has a fantastic team around him, and it shows.


Whether you agree with him on everything or anything, there is no doubt that the President has hit the ground running. From almost completely stopping illegal immigration to demonstrating his very serious commitment to stopping the war in Ukraine, President Trump and his team have made good use of their first couple of months in office.

Now I would like to turn my attention to the other side of the aisle, where it appears that statesmanship has effectively died. It was an embarrassment to our country that so many Democrat lawmakers would act in such a juvenile way, one of them even forcing the Sergeant- At- Arms to remove him from the floor.

The Democrats could not even bring themselves to stand to honor a survivor of childhood brain cancer or a child murder victim. I fully support an individual’s right to freedom of expression and speech but when you are an elected official presenting yourself in the Capital at such an event, your behavior should reflect as much, no matter which party you represent.

As an elected official myself, I recognize that I am held to a different standard of conduct as I also hold myself to a different standard of conduct. To those who disrespected those honored guests – do better. Recognizing that we could politically disagree should not stop us from celebrating America and Americans and it definitely should not stop us from paying honor where honor is due.

Keep up the good fight Mr. President, the majority of America is celebrating your wins with you!

Jon Snow

Nelson County Republican Party

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