
County clerk reminds Farm tag registrants to make donation to state Ag programs


Thursday, March 20, 2025 — The Nelson County Clerk’s Office is reminding Farm tag owners that the plates are due for renewal before Monday, March 31, 2025.

The Farm tags include a voluntary $10 donation that goes to promote Kentucky agriculture’s future. The donation is split evenly between 4-H, FFA and Kentucky Proud.

The donation is not mandatory. If you wish to opt out, owners must do so while they are renewing their Farm tag at the clerk’s office.

This $10.00 is in addition to the regular $21.00 registration renewal cost.

Half of each donation portion allotted to 4-H and FFA comes back to the local chapters in the county of registration, helping send underprivileged children to 4-H camp and assisting them in obtaining the signature blue jackets worn by FFA participants.

Thanks to the generosity of local farmers, these donations come back to each Nelson County FFA and 4-H.

Please tell the deputy county clerk at the time you renew if you wish to opt out of the donation. The state-programmed registration system, by default, adds the donation to your renewal unless you request to have it removed.

If you have questions please call the Nelson County Clerk’s Office at (502) 348-1820.


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