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Letter: Writer appreciates Massaroni’s service, adherence to Christian values

To the Editor, I am writing to express my sincere appreciation for state Rep. Candy Massaroni’s dedicated service to the people of Nelson County these last two years. Throughout her tenure, Candy has proven herself to be a true servant of the community, devoid of any ties to the establishment or “good old boy” networks. […]

April 24th, 2024 | Posted in Election News,Elections,Letters to the Editor,Opinion,Politics | Read More »

Letter: State rep. debate discussed what some call a ‘woke’ student curriculum

To the editor, Thursday nights debate involved a lot of discussion of SEL (Social Emotional Learning). Incumbent state Rep. Candy Massaroni is fervently opposed to the “woke agenda,, which SEL has been accused of being a part of. Andy Stone is in favor of SEL. Florida, Arizona and Oklahoma have already banned SEL in schools. […]

April 23rd, 2024 | Posted in Election News,Elections,Letters to the Editor,News,Opinion | Read More »

Letter: Thanks to Rep. Massaroni for her service in Frankfort

To the editor, I would like to thank our state representative, Candy Massaroni, for her hard work and dedication in serving the citizens of Nelson County. She has tirelessly reached out through participation in community events to get to know what is important to those that live and work here. Guided by her faith, Candy […]

April 22nd, 2024 | Posted in Letters to the Editor,Opinion | Read More »

Letter: Thankful for Massaroni’s help with bill establishing IAN alert system

Dear Editor I just had to take a moment to thank 50th District State Rep. Candy Massaroni for making House Bill 682, the IAN Alert System a reality. Ever since she introduced this bill, I’ve been following it closely. The bill creates a new alert system for missing autistic children. Words can’t express how much […]

April 1st, 2024 | Posted in Letters to the Editor,Opinion | Read More »

Letter: HB 5 addresses crime but overlooks one prevention measure — churches

To the editor, House Bill 5 before the legislature calls for more incarceration and longer prison sentences. A local writer listed some crime prevention measures but left out a main one: churches. More preaching means less crime, so, we work and pray for more churches; more members and more money to churches. Churches could help […]

February 20th, 2024 | Posted in Letters to the Editor,Opinion | Read More »

Letter: Sale of Bardstown Cable TV, internet means price hikes to its users

To the editor, Saturday, Feb. 3, 2024 — The sale of Bardstown Connect is impending. With bids from Comcast, Duo Broadband, and Spectrum submitted, I felt it necessary to bring to the forefront a few points about why this sale should not happen. I challenge anyone to identify another provider that has worked harder to […]

February 3rd, 2024 | Posted in Breaking News,City Government,Letters to the Editor,News,Opinion | Read More »

Letter: Jailer reflects on one year in office, looks to tackle challenges in new year

To the editor, As we close on the completion of one year since I took office as your Jailer on Jan. 2, 2023, I find it fitting to share the progress we’ve made and outline the ongoing efforts required to enhance our facility and serve our community better. Upon assuming my role, I wasted no […]

December 25th, 2023 | Posted in Letters to the Editor,Opinion,Politics,Public Safety | Read More »

Writer has navigated the political landscape, from observer to public servant

To the editor, In the tapestry of my upbringing, politics was not a distant concept but a dynamic force shaping the world around me. Armed with opinions and ideological views, I was acutely aware that not all politicians or political movements had the best interests of the people at heart. Little did I know that […]

December 18th, 2023 | Posted in Elections,Letters to the Editor,Opinion | Read More »

Letter: State’s retirees deserve long-awaited retirement income boost

To the editor: Inflation has made it increasingly difficult for all of us to pay for groceries, mortgage payments and gas for our cars. Public retirees aren’t exempt from the pressures of higher costs for goods and services. State retirees participate in a defined-benefit plan that provides a meaningful but modest monthly income. The average […]

December 11th, 2023 | Posted in Breaking News,Letters to the Editor,Opinion,Politics,State government | Read More »

Higdon: Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate blessings and family with gratitude

By JIMMY HIGDON14th District State Senator Saturday, Nov. 18, 2023 — When I think about Thanksgiving, the traditional family gathering for a turkey dinner comes to mind. But this season brings other traditions that also contribute to the fabric of this great state—and nation. Thanksgiving has endured since the time of the Pilgrims. It started […]

November 18th, 2023 | Posted in Breaking News,Historic,Holidays,Letters to the Editor,Opinion,Politics,State government | Read More »

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